Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Congress: the outstanding issues between the central government and the region must be resolved as soon as possible


BAGHDAD - Omar Abdel-Latif
Describe a number of MPs delegation to visit Kurdistan to Baghdad to discuss the good step of outstanding issues between the federal government and the region, while the other confirmed that the number of these files have been taken a long time and must be resolved as soon as possible.
The MP said the mass change of Kurdish Latif Mustafa said that there are pending issues between the governments of central and Kurdistan region of Iraq, but files are old and new should be resolved because the survival of these files without a solution to the detriment of all around Iraq, including Kurdistan, noting that there are real problems that exist between the two governments should be resolved and not keeping them on hold and delayed more than that.
He said in a statement singled out by the (morning) that the mass change of Kurdistan to know to visit the Delegation of the province to Baghdad and has no part in this delegation, despite the fact that democratic countries are the involvement of the opposition in the crucial decisions that concern the state or province, according to the political system, pointing out that he The government should inform the Kurdistan region of Iraq on the mass of those decisions, but does not have a flag out.
Regarding the timing of the visit the delegation of the province to Baghdad to discuss outstanding issues between Mustafa that the issue of discussing the draft law of oil and gas comes because of the raised by the Council of Ministers, and the reaction of natural territory after seeing that the bill is not what was agreed upon as one of the important laws that must be The agreed upon by everyone, noting that the issue of Article 140 and the disputed territories is the constitutional article could have been the Kurds insist that does not exceed the transitional phase and the introduction of the country in crisis at that time did not implement all the paragraphs of the State Administration Law, including Article 58 of this, explaining that the Kurds and aware of them taking into account the interests of Iraq and maintain national unity and agreed to be transferred material to a permanent constitution and had a roof of a certain time frame is atheist Thirty of December 2009, has not been resolved at this date despite the claims of the many and the work of the Executive Committee of competent authorities, pointing out that this article was Over the past nine bone of contention between the two governments and the central province of Kurdistan.
The head of Iraq's Kurdistan region Massoud Barzani, announced last week, went for high-level delegation headed by Prime Minister Barham Saleh during the days to Baghdad to discuss differences with the federal government.
The MP for the Kurdistan Alliance bloc Aldloa Hassan Jihad has said that the delegation of the Kurdistan region of Iraq headed by Prime Minister Dr. Barham Salih, the region will discuss the problems of the relationship between the province and the federal government as law of oil and gas, and Article 140 and the Peshmerga and the budget and some technical and administrative problems.
He said in a statement singled out by the (morning) that these files have remained outstanding for a very long time, and the government of the Kurdistan region of Iraq has given sufficient time to the government of Mr. Maliki to resolve these problems, noting that over a year ago there was an initiative to the region's president Massoud Barzani, to form a government, except it did not get any change or application of the Convention, which concluded in Arbil, such as the strategic policy and the government of national partnership and the preparation of a special law to the Council of Ministers, ruling out the possibility that this visit is to improve the atmosphere and resolving the crisis between the coalition of state law and the Iraqi List, on the grounds that this problem is specific to the two lists.
Predicted Aldloa not resolve all the files during the visit, expressing fears that this visit will be the beginning of problems between the federal government and the province instead of solving it.
The government announced the approval of a new draft law of oil and gas, raised strong reactions in the Kurdistan region, which has accused Baghdad of passing the draft without consulting their partners, the Kurds in the government.
When expressed in the Iraqi List MP Dr Hamza Alkrtani for wishes that the Kurds actually true partners in the government of national partnership approved the terms of the Erbil and that belonging to Iraq is the standard basis in determining the course of the current government.
He said in a statement singled out by the (morning) that the Iraqi List, look at the Arbil meeting into an open, insightful, and wished the Kurds to be part of the solution in the Iraqi political scene now and be the interest of Iraq is the foundation and is continuing and constructive dialogue serious service to Iraq, noting that we not to build a flawed policy based partisan interest, factional and ethnic overcome the interests of Iraq.
He expressed great optimism with the visit because the Kurds have the wisdom and political experience built since they start to establish a modern civil state based on the basis of professional competence and sense of belonging and loyalty to Iraq since 1990, urging them to be part of the solution to the security problem and are resolving the outstanding issues between the province and the center, and do not drag Iraq into temptation as he put it.
He called Alkrtani the National Alliance and a coalition of state law, especially to be captain of a ship really that Iraq is going out to safety, and the need to deal with the concerns of the Kurds in all objectivity and seriousness, without prejudice to national sovereignty of Iraq.
He stressed that the Kurds to not become part of the agenda of foreign and regional and international tearing the unity of Iraq, but go ahead and achieve the path of the government of national partnership, and to reconcile between the political blocs, particularly between the Iraqi List and a coalition of state law in order to fully implement the terms of the agreements Arbil.
He explained that the Kurdistan Alliance bloc pressing firmly on the government of Mr. Maliki, but he also that we do not want things to go in this direction and that there would be resolving the outstanding problems through dialogue, understanding and diplomatic means and not through threats and intimidation, and not to any block to exploit this situation for a contract and agreement with the Kurds away from the national project.
There are many files contentious relationship between the province and Kurdistan, Baghdad, and some going back to earlier years, such as the application of Article 140 of the Constitution on the disputed areas, and otherwise on the number of armed forces allowed in the Kurdistan region, and other dispute over the oil law, and conducting the general census of the population.
To the description of the National Alliance MP Kazem Sayadi delegation's visit to Baghdad, the Kurdistan region and come from good, to bring the views between the central and provincial governments.
He advised Sayadi said in a statement singled out by the (morning), the Kurds need to debate with the central government according to the constitution without staying away from it, trying to separate or as a province of Kurdistan, there province of a separate whole of Iraq. And called Sayadi to be the capital of Baghdad is a safe haven resolve the crisis between the central government and the region because we We do not want Iraq to an integral, calling out that there is an expanded meeting in Baghdad to the Iraqi Parliament and the Council of Ministers and his counterparts in the Kurdistan region to discuss all outstanding issues between the two governments and try to get out. and demanded that there be a census of the areas of disagreement and to try to compensation from the feel themselves that they have been affected by the a demographic change on cities by the former regime, pointing out that there is no justification for the internationalization of the crisis as an internal affair Iraqis. He appealed Sayadi need to support the Federal Government and not to put obstacles in Omaha as the beginning steps of security and stability and to begin phase Aamaralarac. and the back of a new row about the survival of U.S. forces in Iraq, arguing that the Kurds wanted U.S. troops to remain in the disputed territories, while Baghdad rejects such a thing, and insists on the departure of U.S. troops by the end of this year, according to the security agreement signed between Baghdad and Washington.

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